Törökbálint has undergone a significant transformation in the last two decades. Quantitative growth has already been replaced by much more difficult quality development, however the historical and institutional center (Old village) is still in transition. The competition's subject in the proper sense is the design of the new City Hall building in Törökbálint, but the applicants must make a proposal for the development of the entire center, especially the Munkácsy Mihály street and the inner part of the block including Kálvária Hill. Public buildings on a scale suitable for the future city center have also appeared, the wind of change is perceptible, but the former “village” and the incompletion still dominate. The transformation is inevitable, the construction of the new city hall will be a key step in the long process of urbanization.
Zsolt Félix, Iván Nagy, Benedek Sólyom, György Hellenpárt, Gergely Kenéz, Katalin Varga, Áron Lévay
City Hall
Törökbálint, Hungary
Törökbálint Municipality
City Hall
Törökbálint, Hungary
Törökbálint Municipality