According to the relevant Government Regulation, the following Maccabi European Games will be held in Budapest in 2019. The purpose of the development that is the subject of the design competition is twofold: partly to provide additional infrastructural needs (football and field hockey games) for a major sporting event, also known as the “Jewish Olympics”, on the other hand the establishment of the MTK Football Academy in the available area of about 7.5 hectares with post-utilization after the completion of the Games. This new sport establishment would also revitalize the currently undeveloped, huge brownfield industrial area and its surroundings. In the place of the former railway station, a green area of significant value, sports and leisure area could be created, which is of great importance in the capital.
Iván Nagy, Benedek Sólyom, Tamás Ábrahám, György Hellenpárt, Zsolt Järger, György Somorácz
Zsolt Tolnai, Krisztina Bárdossy, Áron Lévay, Gabi Megyesi, Péter Róbert Szabó
Anita Szöbölödi, Dániel Takács, Dorottya Varró, Dóra Meiszterné Kapisinszky, Katalin Zentai
open competition- 1st prize
Budapest VIII. district
open competition- 1st prize
Budapest VIII. district