St. George's Square is the center of Buda Castle. Buda Castle is the center of Budapest. Budapest is the center of Hungary. St. George's Square is the center of Hungary.
St. George's Square is thus not just a simple construction site, but the symbolic center of Hungary. The place require much more than a well-functioning, beautiful building. The symbolic content of the place also expects more from the building, not only an aesthetic added value acting on the surfaces, but also a content that penetrates deeper layers. The building on this place is not only a well-functioning house and a pleasant sight which fits here, but also the sign of the country's center. The center is the concentrate of the whole, this place will have a very dense content of meanings of whole Hungary. If this content is not present in the building in some form, the most important feature of the site will be neglected and the site will remain just a simple construction site.
Ferenc Cságoly, Richárd Hőnich, Tamás Fialovszky, Gábor Sajtos
Information center
Event hall
national open competition - shared 1st prize
Budapest I. district
Budai Várgondnokság Kht.
Information center
Event hall
national open competition - shared 1st prize
Budapest I. district
Budai Várgondnokság Kht.